"I hope that this will lead to the unity of the Marcoses and the Aquinos, as this will lead to a greater future of our country and the Filipino people," she said. "When these two families reconcile, there will be a miracle for the Philippines."
Imelda Marcos - som varit misstänkt för kännedom om mordplanerna på Ninoy Aquino
The passing away of former President Aquino, an icon of democracy, a loving wife, a caring mother, and God's gift to the Filipino people, has left the nation she dearly loved and the nation she dearly served, bereft of a shining exemplar of moral leadership, unwavering in faith and dauntless courage"
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, fd försvarsminister under president Marcos och senare president Aquino. Enrile var misstänkt att ha initierat ett väpnat kuppförsök mot Corazon Aquino år 1987. Han efterlyste hårdare tag mot vänsterelement.
"It was hard not to like Cory. Her aura was her armour. You couldn't possibly hurt her. She was well mannered and she was very sincere," he said. "She was brave in a very quiet way."
Pensionerade marinofficeren Rex Roble, som planerade en väpnad kupp mot Corazon Aquino i hennes första regeringsår. Tårfyllt erkände han nu att det ingått i planerna att döda henne, men att detta skulle inte gå om hon öppnade munnen.